In an environment where technology become the engine of change for new business models, the demand for specialized IT services grew exponentially. The same happens with the lack of experts in DevOps, DevSecOps, SysOps, Cloud architects and qualified security professionals, a reality that many companies must face and adapt to. For this reason, at CLOUDLEGION we developed our Squad Services, a unique team of technologists that allows you optimizing time and costs of your project, increasing operational efficiency without losing focus on your business.

Cloud Legion

How does it work?

SQUAD SERVICES is a collaborative model with our clients, this means our team is an extension of your talent pool. Integrating one of our experts into your established workflow is more efficient than hiring new employees to solve immediate business needs.


Use our SQUADS on a temporarily to increase capacity of your organization. There is a wide range of stages where companies can take advantage of our SQUADS, these include:

Increased capacity

Labor force growth to reach the temporary peak in daily work (project work, increased production, peaks in customer demand, seasonal business)

Recruitment bridge

For long-term needs, such as a bridge to provide capacity while hiring a permanent team (new location, new lines of business)

Specialized skills

For specialized skills that require over a period of time (facility setup, technology setup, etc.)


Build, organize, and work as a team using flexible workforce as a way to gain competitive advantage (speed up speed to market, be more agile from the point of view of basic skills).


If considering adding one of our SQUADS, it is important to understand there are different types, these are:


When fast and reliable profiles to perform a repetitive task or tasks are needed, but having a specific skill set is uneccessary - basic and operational work, this Squad is the best choice if you are looking for young and passionate Legionnaires.


When some skills are needed, although the relative level of skills is not crucial - management work, data or case processing, transcription, basic policy or procedure writing, intermediate language level; this Squad is ideal for specific implementation jobs or projects do not require a specialization.


When your company needs adding soft and hard skills, medium or high levels of knowledge and skills, but above all the accompaniment of an extended team "Cloud Legion cavalry" is the ideal squad for a project or team that needs to add new competencies.


This Squad is made by our best Legionnaires for project or teams requiring more advanced skills that can only be obtained through high training and experience in different practices, methods and tools, and skill level is important.



Using SQUAD gives companies more flexibility in team sizes. Whether you are expanding your team or not, you do not have to go through the lengthy process of interviewing and recruiting new staff. It enables companies adapt their teams by project, allowing them to reply quickly to changes in the market or industry.


When choosing SQUAD you select keeping full control over your team. Companies have a direct view of how temporary staff works and cooperates with full-time employees. Additionally, they are able to monitor the progress of a project on a daily basis. This deletes risk factors related to full project outsourcing.


SQUAD SERVICES goal is complementing its staff with external talent. It is a great way to reduce the overall costs of hiring full-time employees. When you bring talent in short term, you avoid dealing wages, benefits, and other expenses.


SQUAD model allows you keeping projects flexible by deleting contracts with external providers. It also allows you assessing your team's talents and skill levels when necessary. If hiring new full-time employees is not in your budget, consider the flexibility, control, and cost benefits of the Cloud Legion SQUAD service.

If you want to know more about our solutions and services, you can send us your query by completing the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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