CLOUD LEGION is a company with Argentine capital committed to its mission of providing wide IT solutions, focuses all its management on providing high quality services, for which it implements and keeps an integrated information quality and security management system, endorsed in processes that ensure outputs focused on the client satisfaction, the continuous improvement and compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation, as well as information security, identification and mitigation of risks related to the business.

All interested parts with responsibility for the information and documentation repositories, must adopt the guidelines established within the integrated management system based on the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2013, in order to conserve quality, confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information. For this, CLOUD LEGION has developed a roundup of policies and standards available to all interested parts, which are step up through continuous training, to guarantee awareness and the consequences of the breaches.

By the present politics, the organization's board strengthen its commitment to the company's management system and sustainability over time.